As a trumpet player and trumpet teacher it's a constant struggle keeping all the muscles needed to play the trumpet in shape for both myself and my students.  I've found a handful of links which deal with developing these muscles and information on why and how to improve ones endurance and range.  It's all about efficiency, the more effecient we are... the easier and better we will sound which leads to more enjoyment for all!  :D

Jazz Trumpet Styles

Written on Sunday September 30, 2012

This Blog is for anyone that likes Jazz Trumpet…

One of my Students asked me "what were the different styles of Jazz?"  I did explain the main genres of the Jazz idiom and thought I'd post a link of a few different tracks from YouTube in each genre:

Blog September 13th 2012

Written on Wednesday September 12, 2012

Welcome to my new Blog page!  I have decided to write a blog to let people know what I'm up to musically as well having a place for my students to have a central place for information and links to help with their musical development along-side my teaching.

I am currently updating my website and have a new project on the go called "North Shore Jazz Collective".  It's a jazz quartet which will be playing a short performance at select local high schools.  Our aim is to educate students on how to play in a group setting and possibly inspire some to take lessons.  A North Shore Jazz Collective live performance will include a song introduction explaining the history, style, tempo and instrument it may showcase in each piece.